Why Vitamins?

Why Vitamins?

Caring for people and helping them reach their optimal health potential often involves recommending supplements to those who are not already taking some form of nutritional support. People that don't take a support commonly say things like: I eat well You just pass...

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Who Do I Recommend?

Who Do I Recommend?

After being in practice for 37 years, I have learned a few things because I have seen a few things. It is often difficult to know if a referred business is worthwhile, even if the referral comes from reliable source. The following recommendations I vouch for...

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5 Reasons To Have Good Posture

5 Reasons To Have Good Posture

How Proper Posture Benefits You Your mother was right all those years she told you to stand up straight – posture is important! The benefits of good posture don’t just stop at how it makes you look either. There are a lot of reasons why you should pay attention to how...

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7 Ways To Avoid Text Neck

7 Ways To Avoid Text Neck

Have you heard of text neck? Take a look around you right now and see how many people are sitting or standing, with their head tilted down looking at their electronic devices. It’s a lot, isn’t it? Well, this is exactly how text neck has become a problem. But, have no...

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5 Ways To Use Chiropractic Care

5 Ways To Use Chiropractic Care

There’s a myth that chiropractors only address problem with your back – but that could not be further from the truth! Chiropractors are trained to address your body as a whole and because they do that, chiropractic treatment extends far beyond just back problems. Here...

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